Looking for a Brand New You?

Deliberately, Richard Avedon

Posted on: Monday, May 18, 2015 Category: Uncategorized (58)
< 1 min read

Richard Avedon was an American fashion and portrait photographer.  He photographed some of the world’s most amazing people.  The New York Times published in his obituary that “…his fashion and portrait photographs helped define America’s image of style, beauty and culture for the last half century.   And, he knew a thing or two about presence;

“We all perform.  It’s what we do for each other all the time, deliberately or unintentionally.  It’s a way of telling about ourselves in the hope of being recognized as what we’d like to be.”

Very eloquently, Richard has defined how we strive to share our authentic selves with others in order to project specific things to reach our ultimate or ideal self.  This is at the heart of developing your personal brand.  Whatever you do and say, people are judging, sorting and categorizing you based on their past experience.  As Avedon says, you can do this deliberately or unintentionally.  Personal branding is about deliberately thinking about these things so you define your impact.  Position yourself or others will position you for you.



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