Simply persuasive
2 min read By Emily Kucukalic All day I deal in the art of persuasion. I work with people on how to build their personal brands and improve their influence, impact and ability to persuade. I […]
2 min read By Emily Kucukalic All day I deal in the art of persuasion. I work with people on how to build their personal brands and improve their influence, impact and ability to persuade. I […]
< 1 min read Incisive people are direct and to the point.
< 1 min read Questioning people like answers. You like to know how things work and what makes a person tick.
< 1 min read Fresh dew on spring grass, a light dusting of powder on snow-capped peaks, rolling sand dunes and undulating hills – these are things that make you stop and take it […]
< 1 min read Dreaming of new ideas, places and things. Inquisitive people live large and dram big.
< 1 min read “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who’ll decide where to go.” Dr Seuss
< 1 min read Resilient people just keep going. Forever.
< 1 min read Curious people are endlessly learning. Wanting to know.