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Disraeli did it right

Posted on: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 Category: Uncategorized (58)
< 1 min read

Disraeli was the UK prime minister under Queen Victoria.  He was a master flatterer.  Flattery is one of the greatest forms of appeal.  He was a master of appeal.  Appeal is a key element of presence.

He appealed to parts of Queen Victoria that others ignored.  Her sexuality and her confidence.  He flattered and flirted.

As one English princess remarked , “When I left the dining room after sitting next to Mr Gladstone, I thought he was the cleverest man in England.  But after sitting next to Mr Disraeli I thought I was the cleverest woman in England.”

Disraeli was renowned for creating atmospheres of amusement and relaxation.  He appeared easy to approach.  He would play with suggestion, compliment readily and put others at ease.  He was, charming.  An age old skill that is incredibly powerful if you seek to have presence.


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