Looking for a Brand New You?

Acing an interview

Posted on: Monday, March 30, 2015 Category: Uncategorized (58)
2 min read

You're  hired! (1)

You have an interview.  How do you make sure you are presenting the best version of you?  How do you have impact?

Remember, you can’t repeat a first impression.

Here are BNY’s top 6 tips for leaving a lasting impression.

  1. Breathe.  How we breathe tells a story.  Give your self enough time to get to the interview so you are not rushing.   When you rush, you pant.  You want to have enough time to steady your breath.  Take some deep breaths right into your stomach before you enter the room.  It will calm you down, allow your voice to resonate and possibly stop the sweaty nervous feeling.
  2. Dress for the job you want in five years.  Demonstrate you have the potential to do the job.  If the job is a creative one, make sure you look like you are creative.  If it is with a conservative financial institution – make sure your dress reflects this.
  3. Above all else – look well groomed.  If you look untidy it can be seen as a sign of an untidy mind and nobody wants one of those in the workplace.
  4. Be prepared.  There is no excuse not to know something about the company, industry and key movers in the business.  Google it.  Search Linked In.  When the moment arises be prepared to offer up your knowledge.
  5. Ask a question, be vulnerable.  People are buying what you can learn not just what you know. Asking questions takes courage and makes you more appealing.  Just remember to really listen when the other people in the room talk, just in case they answer the question before you have had time to ask it.
  6. Remember the names of the people you are meeting so at the end of the interview you can thank them for their time by name.  It never hurts to send a thank you note afterwards either – remember old fashioned manners, like your mother taught you.

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